Hotel Information: CASISITAS - $5 per night per person Cadetur - $30 (single) / $40 (double) / $53 (3 persons) Humuya Inn $80 (single) / $ 83 (with balcony) / $93 (double) / $93 (suites) Suite Aurora $48 (single) / $56 (single with balcony) / $72 (2 - 3 persons) / $144 (suite) Clarion Hotel $89 (single) / $124 (double) Hotel Plaza Juan Carlos |
Description of Awards Awards to all teams Each player receives a Tournament Certificate Championship team receives a free team registration to Kelly McGillis Classic International Flag Football Championship in Key West, January 25 - February 1, Florida USA 2016 or Team Certificate any IWFFA tournament (good for one year) Championship team receives IWFFA Champion Hats MVP Offense and MVP Defense for each Team (decided by the players) Special All Star Teams will be selected, awarded certificates (decided by the players) A point system is applied to all IWFFA tournaments to rank women and girls flag football teams around the world for year. This tournament will include all teams competing for the final IWFFA 2015 Team Rankings IWFFA will award $500 to #1 ranked womans' flag football team |
8 on 8, 10yd for 1st down, blocking between shoulders and waist,
kick for field goals, extra points, kick off, fake kicks, no fumbles, no pads, no helmets.