Booking your stay here on the island of Key West
Booking 160 rooms (for all the tournament teams), compared with booking one team, gives all the teams lower rates for all our players . Also, by keeping tabs on how many rooms we have booked at any establishment, we are able to monitor and increase number of rooms if necessary for availablity, so teams do not get closed out.
Booking your stay with us also benefits the tournament and saves you $25 additional player booking fee
So, booking through the IWFFA benefits everyone.
Usually, a one-night deposit is sufficient, or just a credit card to hold reservation. Some facilities require rooms to be paid in full or 50% prior to arrival.Please check each description and their cancellation policies before booking.
Once you have made your choice of where to stay (see list below)
Cancellation policies are described for each place and must be made directly through the IWFFA office.
Additional hotels may be added. Check periodically with our website or call our office for updated info.
If there is a particular place you would like to stay which is not listed, let us know and we will try to accomodate you
· Florida State requires a 12.5% sales tax, for every Fl. hotel which are added to these rates in Total price
We appreciate you supporting the event and the IWFFA by booking through our office.
click here for our list of: Hotels, Guesthouses, Timeshares & Homes