Prizes Awarded for

Each player will receive a tournament pin
during the awards presentation.
First, Second and Third place team plaques for each division.
1st place team in each division will be awarded a choice of what
prize they would like: hats, tee shirts or other championship
(Team reps can decide once tournament
is over, and we will ship to the teams).
First place team in each division receives
a free team registration to any sanctioned IWFFA tournament (good
for one year)
Every team will receive MVP for both Offense and Defense (decided
by each team's designated voter).
Special All-Star Teams will be selected, decided by special committee,
and awarded.
Tournament Points will be distributed to use towards national
/ international team ranking system
Porter Wilson Award To the person
who has done most for girls & women's flag football (see porter
wilson recipients over past years in iwffa website)
Best Registration Award
best registration award goes to team
contact who mailed in registration packet and also receives dinner
for two, snorkel trip for two and a bouquet of flowers