Circuit of IWFFA Tournaments
click to see 2012 Players Awards / Archives
February 16 - 20, 2012 - Cocoa Beach, FL - new location
May 26 - 27
8th annual - IWFFA / Hjorring, Denmark - Hosted by Danish Devils
June 29 - July 1
13th annual - IWFFA / Oslo , Norway
July 21 - 22
.1st annual - IWFFA / Asbury Park, NJ - Hosted by NJWFF
September 1 - 2
.12th annual - IWFFA / Gothenburg, Sweden - Hosted by Gothenburg Angels
September 9
3rd annual IWFFA / Pre-Kelly Mc Gillis Classic Friendship Game , Key West, FL
September 15 - 16
7th annual IWFFA / Kate Clinton Classic , Ptown, MA